23.12.2022, 00:01
Beste Szene
Ihr habt insgesamt 6 Stimmen, welche ihr verteilen könnt! Das Voting wird bis zum 08. Januar 2023 gehen, so habt ihr genug Zeit, trotz Feiertagsstress zwischendurch zu voten.
Die nominierten Szenen:
Let's talk of graves, of worms and epitaphs
Who know´s, if she never showed up, what could´ve been
How to not set your friends up - a short instruction
Knew it from the first...
You make me brave, you're titanium
First thing we'd climb a tree
You're my brother and I love you
Those few minutes that seperate Darkness from Daylight
I'm a hothead, what's wrong with that
Je suis une baguette
It isn't always easy to take care of others, is it
Work Hard In Silence Let Your Success Be The Noise
When life gives you lemons
We can´t giggle, it´s a serious scene
Soon you will get better
When the truth hunts you down
how to mend a broken heart